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Past Memories

This article appeared in the Febuary 1989 CLAN HUNTER NEWS.

11th & 12th June 1988

There was a most successful gathering of Clan members at Hunterston over the weekend of Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th June 1988. Clan members started arriving for the event as early as Thursday 9th. The farm and estate staff were very encouraged by the interest shown by Clan members in the various Estate activities. Consequently not only did the Gathering help to reunite Clan members, but gave additional purpose to Estate staff, in that whilst they are aware that they work for “The Laired”, the Laird’s extended family also takes an interest in their activities.


Hunter Clan Gathering, Hunterston, June 1998

A ceilidh was held in Hunterston House on the Saturday night, and was attended by 36 members. A buffet of haggis was provided by Ian and Lily Menzies, helped by John and Sheila Plimbley. It was apparent that everyone attending enjoyed the evening of dancing Scottish reels, renewing and forming friendships.

Clan members attended the church service in West Kilbride on the Sunday morning, followed at midday by a meeting of Clan members at Hunterston House. At the meeting a number of points regarding the future of the Clan were raised, in particular Mark Hunter Madsen of Salt Lake City suggested that there should be very many more Clan members and that the responsibility of attracting new members rested with the existing membership. Charles Hunter indicated that mail shots had not been a successful way of attracting new members, an interesting example being that a mail shot to the central belt of Scotland resulted in only two new members.

50 members attended the gathering, and their enthusiasm and appreciation reaffirmed the Chief’s ambition to be the head of a large, self-supporting and active Clan.

Dean and Neva Hunter presented the Clan Chief with Dean’s personal ensign, which is given to all retiring officers of the United States Services for the Chief to fly at Hunterston.



Lady Sonia Hunter, wife of the Clan Chief and Claire.