Association Events 2002

JANUARY - 2002

Saturday 26th:  Burns Supper

Dryfesdale Hotel Locherbie



APRIL - 2002

The  Clan Hunter Association will be holding it's AGM at Hunterston Castle, click  the date link below for the latest details.

27th A.G.MAgenda - and notes from 2001 AGM

The  AGM went well, the minutes from the AGM will be posted here when available (updated 15-09-2002)

MAY - 2002

Clan Room

The  Clan Room will be Open on the last Sunday in May (26/05/02), between 12.00 hrs  and 16.00 hrs. Please let us know if you intend to visit the Clan Room on this date.

JUNE - 2002

 Clan  Room

The  Clan Room will be Open on the last Sunday in June (30/06/02), between 12.00 hrs and 16.00 hrs. Please let us know if you intend to visit the Clan Room on  this date.


AUGUST - 2002

The  event detailed below is the annual Flodden Day event. Although it is not anticipated  that Clan Hunter will take part in the event this year, it has been suggested that members should attend to observe with a view to taking part next year.  Details of any attendance will be posted when finalised.


Flodden  Day

Thursday 8th.August 02
Cavalcade to Flodden Field

11.30 a.m.Earl Home will charge the Coldstreamer with his Flodden Day duties
      The Coldstreamer will reply the Countess of Home will present him with the
      HomeColours.Followed by three cheers for the Earl Home.
      The Coldstreamer , right and left men  , will leave Market Square for Lees Mill .
12.00 Cavalcade leaves for Flodden.
01.30 Coldstreamer lays wreath at Flodden Memorial.
02.00 Flodden service on Branxton Hill .
02.30 Coldstreamer cuts turf to bring back to Coldstream.
03.00 Cavalcade leaves Branxton Hill for Coldstream .
06.00 [approx,] Cavalcade arrives back in Coldstream
06.10 [approx] Presentation of Youngston Trophy for youngest rider , out side town hall
06.30 Abbey Ceremony on Tweed Green , reading of Royal Charter and layinf of the Flodden Turf

Entry cars £2.00 horse boxes [wagons] £10.00

If you wish to contact one of the organisers for more informtion, you can do this through the Hunter Associaiton UK Clan Officer. Email him  at robert.hunter2@btinternet.com.


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