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History of the Hunters of Hunterston

Dear Clansfolk
 I can now  announce that the next International Gathering to be held at Hunterston Castle will be on the 6th, 7th  and 8th August 2004.
 I shall be very happy to be able to welcome as many of you that can come  and I am doubly happy to be able to welcome Clan Muirhead for the first  time to share with us our Scottish Seat as part of our link of  friendship.
 If you are able to come to Hunterston next year you will be able to follow on with a visit to the world famous Edinburgh Festival and Tattoo.
 For the first time thanks to Peter Hunter -UK- we will have the programme and booking online. We will also put on a link to the Ayrshire  Tourist Board. there is a wide range of accommodation in the area from  Seamill to Largs.
 Those of you who attended the last Gathering will notice a lot of changes to the grounds and the walled garden which can only be  appreciated by a visit and a walk round. We hope to expand on the memorial planting area and there will be areas in the walled garden that  have been nominated for Clan donations for new shrubs.
 This time the Gathering will be starting from Friday morning and I would  like the Clan Associations to bring any displays that might show the other Associations what they do in their  country.
 The Clan Photo will be held on Saturday. Please click on to the Gathering icon for further updates.
 Yours aye,
 Madam Pauline Hunter of Hunterston and of that Ilk,
 Clan Chief and 30th Laird

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